Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm officially a soccer mom

Now that Grace is over 3 1/2 yrs old, I thought she would be ready for soccer. So I found a local league for foreign kids and signed her up. Once a week we schlep ourselves out to the field for practice. The day usually goes something like this:

3:30- pick Grace up from school. G: "Are we going to soccer?" Me: "Yep" G: "I don't want to go"

Me: "Really? It will be fun." G: Silence

3:45- Change her clothes in the car on the way there, swearing under my breath as I try to

pull up her socks over her shin guards.

4:00- Me: "Do you have to go pee? Remember there is nowhere to go at the fields". G: "No".

4:15- Arrive at fields.

4:16- G: "I have to pee". Me: "Ok, fine." Tell the driver in my crappy chinese to go around the block to Starbucks b/c G has to pee. He laughs (he knows the routine too).

4:25- Back at the fields. G:"I really don't want to go to soccer. Don't make me go". Temper tantrum. Me:" You don't have to play, just sit there and watch. You're part of the team, they need you. Maybe you'll want to play in a few minutes". G:"Can I go home and watch Toy Story instead?" Me: "NO."

4:30- Practice starts. Grace is the only girl on the team but she's better than most of the boys (a little bragging- sorry).

4:40- Her attention is gone and she is playing tag with another boy instead of listening to coach.

4:50- Now she is dribbling the ball to the complete other side of the field instead of practicing shooting like she's supposed to be doing.

4:55- Grace makes a run through the entrance of the fields and is half way up the street before I catch her. I am making an ass of myself running after her. I yell at her, she cries. I am in a pissy mood, she is in a pissy mood.

5:00- Grace decides it's more fun to play with the cones. I don't even bother trying to stop her this time.

5:10- Scrimmage game with the other toddler team. Grace plays for the 1st minute then just sits down in the middle of the field and picks at the grass. Of course there is a 4 year old on Grace's team who played last year as well and he is a foot taller and so much better than everyone else that it's not fun for any of the kids. I'm disgusted. I think about complaining but decide I don't really want to be "that parent".

5:15-5:29- Sit on the sidelines with Grace on my lap and watch the game. Think to myself "Can't believe we spent over $100 to go through this every week."

5:30- Finally, an end to my misery. Game over.
Ah yes, these cones look interesting...wonder if anyone's watching me...
Now, if I line them up just so...
Almost done!
Finished! What a work of art. Huh? What soccer game?


Unknown said...

I am hysterical laughing outloud. The things we do as parents...

Anonymous said...

Her uniform is the best!