Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Blog Test

Ok- here is the first trial entry of the Shanghai blog. Just to get everyone up on the latest, Sev's office had a contruction delay so our date was pushed out to July 1st. Since it is super humid over in Shanghai this time of year, we decided that Sev will go over ahead of me to get the apartment set up (scary- can hardly wait to see what type of decor I will arrive to!). And I will go to my parents summer home in Jersey until July 20th. I've been busy the past month getting everything ready and saying good bye to all our buddies in Minnesota. Anyway, look for the next post sometime after the July 22nd when I will have loads of stories about the much anticipated flight to China with 2 kids. And not to worry, we bribed my mom to go with me on the trip over so I won't have to manage the rug rats on my own :) PS- I am posting some recent pics of the kids for those of you who haven't seen them in awhile.