Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I just voted- I'm sad to say

Yet another interesting experience has been to live outside of the US during an election year. I am thrilled that I don't have to suffer through those awful bullsh*t TV commercials so that's been a plus. I have also been very surprised by how passionate so many Americans are about their candidate of choice. I broke down and joined facebook and happily got in touch with several people with whom I have not had contact with in over 10 years yet the first thing these people told me about themselves (or indicated on their facebook page) was their political preferences. Example: "I've been married for 10 years, 2 kids, live in Virgina, work as an accountant and if Obama doesn't win, I am moving to Canada". I couldn't believe that this person (one of many) actually considers their political preference so important that they needed to tell me about it after a 10 year lag in communication between us. Weird.
Ok, so I figured out how to register for my absentee ballot and just got it in the mail this week. It has to be back in Minnesota by election day which meant I needed to vote this week and mail it asap. I can truly say that I was undecided (gasp) so I made sure to watch the most recent presidential debate and check out both candidates websites before making my decision. I am actually totally irritated by the this entire election and these two SUCKY candidates. Yes folks, that's right- I think they are both lousy choices. I think they are so bad in fact that if the candidate I voted for doesn't win, I don't even care. Wake up and smell the coffee people- neither one of these guys is anything to be excited about. Maybe you're wondering who I voted for? Not gonna tell ya that.
Most of you are probably thinking "I don't care what Tonya thinks"- well then, stop reading my blog :)
Some upcoming posts to look for: Our trip to Japan (fun) and Audrey's 2nd birthday party (can't believe my baby is 2)!

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