Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cock fight

Get your mind out of the gutter kids; it's not what you think. While flipping through channels on our illegal satellite (it's broadcast from the Philippines) we stumbled upon cock fighting. On one of the sports channels. At first, we were intrigued. What's the big deal and why is it illegal in the U.S.? Well, after 3 minutes of watching, we found out why. It's a fight to the death. And, to make it really interesting, the bird owners fasten a curved blade onto one of the cock's legs so that when they go at each other they are obviously inflicting serious damage each time. It's a violent and bloody "sport". Even Sev agreed that it was disgusting. And apparently a big business in the Philippines as there are several people in the audience and they can bet on the cock of their choice. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox but I thought you would enjoy reading about the cultural differences of TV over here in Asia!
P.S.- Here is a teaser for the next blog entry: Split pants...I promise to blog about this before Christmas so check back soon.

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