Thursday, October 25, 2007

Shanghai Fashion

Considering that Shanghai is one of the largest and wealthiest cities in China, it makes sense that many people here are quite fashionable in their choice of clothing. Especially the under 40 crowd. But I have noticed a disturbing trend that seems to be getting worse now that the weather is cooler. Sev and I call it the "Pajama Fashion". People of all ages go about their daily business in head to toe woven PJ's. Plaids, Disney prints, florals, whatever- anything goes as long as you match your top and bottom. I was cracking up the first time I saw someone doing their food shopping in the local mega mart in their jammies. I am still not sure if they just roll out of bed and go about their business or if they actually choose to put on a new outfit when they get up in the morning. They bike around town in these outfits as well. Men and women- the pajama fashion does not discriminate.

The other scary fashion that we are thankfully seeing less of now that the weather is cooler is the men in half shirts. Many of the Shanghainese men will roll up their t-shirts to chest level when it is hot out to help themselves cool off. Yuck. I really don't want to see a bunch of Chinese guys running around town doing their best impression of Daisy Duke (unless of course they've got a 6 pack of abs to go along with it but alas, I have yet to see any male eye candy wandering the streets with their shirts rolled up).

Pajama fashion in a local vegetable market (note the wedgie pick to go along with it)

I'm too sexy for my shirt. EWWW.

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